our blog
5 Questions every Christian should ask before debating anything
Jeanette Woods (a board member of Veta Youth) delivered this as a devotion at our recent board meeting. Some real wisdom here! A quick skim over facebook will reveal that Christian people can be just as divided over social and political issues as the rest of the...
Authentic Christian learning leads to authentic Christian living
This is a post from Colleen, our amazing admin-officer. I love that everyone at Veta is passionate about sharing God's love... As you will read below, it's more than just a job! Everyone who is a disciple of Christ is called to mission (cf Matt 28:18-20.) We...
What is ‘Authentic Christian Learning’?
Across the Veta website you will see repeated, the phrase ‘Authentic Christian Learning’ – a phrase that comes directly from our mission statement, which is ‘Authentic Christian Learning for young people everywhere'. But what do we mean when we say that? Many years...
Can I Do Veta Morphus and Get a Great Score?
Whenever we run a Veta Morphus info session, we get questions like "I want to go to uni and need a good score to get in. How will doing Veta Morphus affect this?" And it's a great question! Your future educational and career prospects are of critical importance, and...
How Veta Morphus has Helped Me Grow Christian Leaders
“In Veta we begin the journey of discovering who we are, what world we are living in, and where God is calling us; in other words, what it is to be followers of Christ.”
Welcome to the Veta Blog
” this is a place to chat about about young people, discipleship, and how we can work together to provide authentic Christian learning for young people everywhere.”
South Australia Veta Morphus Graduation 2016
A few pics from the SA 2016 Veta Youth Graduation.
From the Board
“Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5 Joshua makes this statement the day before the Israelites cross over the Jordan river and enter into the promised land. After forty years wandering in...
Introducing Veta Neo
Over the years Veta Youth has had many requests to establish a Veta program for younger year levels and so finally, in 2015-2016, we undertook research to find out ‘does this need exist amongst our partners and their students’, and if so, ‘is God calling Veta Youth to respond to this need?’ And the result was ‘Yes’.