Can I Do Veta Morphus and Get a Great Score?

Whenever we run a Veta Morphus info session, we get questions like “I want to go to uni and need a good score to get in.  How will doing Veta Morphus affect this?”

And it’s a great question!  Your future educational and career prospects are of critical importance, and so it’s vital that, when you sign up to Veta Morphus, you know that you are not compromising these in any way.

You can find the technical details of how Veta Morphus contributes to your senior certificate and ATAR (which varies from state to state) in our website, so I won’t cover that again here.

What I will do is share a couple of testimonies from students who have achieved very high academic results (as in high 90’s for their ATAR).  The first is from Sarah Backholer, who complete the course in Victoria way back in 2003.  So she is speaking from significant life experience when she says:

“Undertaking Vetamorphus in 2004 was one of the most transformational and holistically educational experiences of my life. Following VCE, I completed BA/BTheol (Monash/Uni. of Divinity) and am now engaged in post graduate research (Grad. Certificate in research methods) as a pathway into doctoral studies in the area of theology, and am becoming engaged in tertiary tutoring and lecturing alongside. Vetamorphus was extremely formational as the pivot point of this journey. It empowered me to ask questions fearlessly, and so to think honestly and perseveringly; it was thus the strongest education I received in critical thinking. In fact, I could not emphasise its’ positive impact on my tertiary education and vocational experience—and approach to all of life as a learner—more strongly.” 

The second is from Eloise Daff who was interviewed on Melbourne Christian radio station Light FM.  You can listen to the whole interview below, but here’s an excerpt:

“I went to a public high school and I loved school and I loved the work that I did, but I had so many questions in my life and wasn’t too sure how everything was fitting together.  Doing Veta Morphus allowed me to ask those questions without having to feel that there’s a right or wrong answer, or feel like you’re going to get an A+ or a B or anything like that, but just being able to explore those questions in a structured educational environment, and feel free to explore that part of yourself.

Veta Morphus is not something that is going to take away from that academic side.  I think, if anything, the language skills, and the critical thinking skills that it provides you end up complementing all the rest of your high-school studies.  Now I’m not wanting to blow my own horn or anything, but I ended up getting an enter score of 97.95 and a lot of that I’d attribute to the critical thinking that I gained out of Veta Morphus.”

Audio Player


So yes, you can do Veta Morphus and get a great score.

In fact, it may even help you get a better result.

Either way, and as with all things in Veta, the most important things you gain will have nothing to do with your score, but will be found in the transformational experience of learning and growth – which, unsurprisingly, can positively impact your other subjects too!


How did Veta Morphus impact your learing in other subjects?  Post a comment below and let us know.