equipping disciple makers for the next generation
“It’s made a huge impact on my life and in all my relationships. I feel I can bring out what’s in my teens’ hearts.” – Lisa
“I’ve seen total change in my confidence and engagement to really help people go where God is calling them.” – Jon
quick links
how does it work?
Discipleship coaching connects young people in fruitful, discipleship relationships with mature Christians.
Discipleship coaching is not another program for you to implement. It is a way for you to make discipleship the very heart of every aspect of your ministry.
Whether it’s one or two teens, or a whole school, discipleship coaching enables you to:
- Connect meaningfully and relationally with young people
- Help young people want to discover and grow in faith
- Have healthy spiritual conversations
- Listen and ask good questions
- Take young people on a genuine journey of faith in Jesus
- Focus your time and energy on what you are truly called to.
And to do that amid what you are already doing, with the young people you already know.
We will support you in discipling young people by providing you with:
- Training in Youth Discipleship Coaching
- Access to Discipleship Resources
- Ongoing Connection and Support.
the facts
Young disciples need connection with older, mature Christians.
Helping young people hear from God, learn that God really speaks to them, and support them to respond is essential for the development and ownership of their faith.
What is the Time Commitment?
- 6 x 2hr Trainings over Zoom
- Practice with people you’re already serving in your ministry
- Ongoing resourcing, support and implementation is determined person by person.
What Discipleship Resources are Provided?
You will receive ongoing support from our Director of Discipleship Coaching
- Regular updates on coaching and discipleship
- Connection to coaches’ network
- Access to regular webinars, Q&A’s, and group coaching sessions.
Active coaches can also be accredited and trained to deliver discipleship coaching training to new coaches
Who is Discipleship Coaching For?
Discipleship coaching is for anyone who wants to engage in fruitful discipling relationships with young people. This includes youth leaders, mums and dads, teachers, chaplains or any mature Christian person called to disciple youth.
“This training helped reinforce my confidence in talking with young people about Jesus.” Ken, Teacher
How Will Discipleship Coaching Fit with Our Current Youth Program?
Discipleship coaching does not normally involve adding anything new; it is about transforming your current connections with young people into fruitful discipling relationships.
How Many People Need to be Involved?
You can start with one leader coaching one student. Discipleship coaching is designed to start small and grow out.
What Does it Look Like in Practice?
You can sign up for discipleship coaching training as an individual, or as part of an organisation (eg. Church or school).
Over 6 trainings, you will develop a vision and strategy for discipleship that meets your context – whether in 1-1 mentoring or overseeing multiple people.
You will learn the frameworks for discipleship coaching and receive plenty of opportunities for practice and reflection.
You will increase your skills at asking good questions, helping people listen to the Holy Spirit’s call, creating a development plan, learn how to follow up actions and much more.
Upon completion, you will be equipped to effectively use coaching to disciple young people.
Ongoing Discipleship Coaching Support is provided for any ‘Lead Coaches’ in your community. Lead Coaches are people who have completed our discipleship coaching training, and who want to receive ongoing support for the coaching ministry in their local setting and/or will be coaching new people through the discipleship coaching training.
discipleship coaching expression of interest
If you would like further information about discipleship coaching, or be kept up to date with the next training cohort or workshop.
Discipleship Coaching Expression of Interest
next training dates and time for 2024
Discipleship Coaching Training
The next training dates are below. Register Now!
If you would like further information about the training, please Contact Us.
Term 4 2024 Training Times
VIC/NSW/TAS 7:30-9:30PM | SA/NT 7-9PM | QLD 6:30-8:30PM | WA 4:30-6:30PM |
Training Dates Outline
Week 1 – Oct 17th: Discipleship Vision and Spiritual Hospitality
Week 2 – Oct 24th: A Framework for Discipleship Coaching
Week 3 – Oct 31st: Leading to Powerful Actions and Deep Learning
Week 4 – Nov 7th: Following up and Consolidation
- Week 5 – Nov 14th: Creating a Development Roadmap
Week 6 – Nov 21st: Skills Practice and Review
what is your investment?
The Discipleship Coaching Training costs $1,200.00, which includes:
- 6 online training sessions, where you’ll gain skills, frameworks and confidence to transform your discipleship relationships
- Support to personalise and implement discipleship coaching into your context
- Discipleship coaching resources and materials
- Unlimited email access to your trainer for the duration of the program
- Qualification for future trainings, workshops and access to alumni resources, including coaching demonstrations, tune-up sessions, coaching partners and more.

Cindy (Church Elder & Chaplain): “This training is being really helpful in assisting to roll out a discipleship model across the entire church which is sustainable and fruitful. It’s exciting. Feels like we are on a growth path to being more fully who we were created to be as a faith community.”
Ella (Student Discipleship Coordinator): “Discipleship coaching taught us a simple structure of discipling students that was implementable and teachable, but effective. This will be extremely helpful as we grow and seek to teach others to coach others.”
Dale (Pastor): “Discipleship coaching helped me know how to help a young person clarify what it is that they wanted to see happen and take meaningful steps in that direction.”
Sarah (Youth Mentor): “The discipleship coaching training has been brilliant and has given me new understanding of how to have conversations and how to ask questions.”
Ready to grow your discipleship practice? Please complete either of the forms below, depending on the following:
- Use the single registration form if only one coach is to be registered for the training
- Use the multiple registration form if you are registering more than one coach for the training. Please Contact Us prior to using this form to ensure we can best meet the Coach Training needs of your organisation